Decision matrix
Decision matrix


“a table used in evaluating possible alternatives to a course of action.” The Business Directory defines the Decision Matrix Analysis as: This latter method is more suitable for complex decisions that involve multiple factors and stakeholders. It needs time and knowledge to evaluate each choice’s weighted rates and don’t focus on the features associated with each option. Previously, we explored the Decision Tree as a tool for decision-making.


The below section, How to Use the Decision-Making Matrix?, will provide a practical example of applying the Decision Matrix. The weight of the idea is the sum of each criterium rate multiplied by each idea score.

decision matrix

Similar to the criteria rating, it ranges from five to one. Then, this ranking system is used to evaluate the different options (ideas) by assigning a score for its criterium and its application in a given idea. The score ranges between five (most important) and one (least important). In this method, each criterium is assigned a score based on its importance. The Decision Matrix is used to define the criteria affecting the decision-making process in a number of choices in hand, and it is based on the Multiple-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA). Idea A weight = criteria rank X idea score.How to Create the Decision Matrix Table?.How to Use Mind Mapping for Better Thinking.Vroom-Yetton-Jago: Deciding How to Decide.Decision Trees: Eliminating Uncertainty in the Decision-Making Process.What Are The Six Thinking Hats? And How to Use Them?.

decision matrix


For example, in software evaluation, quantitative methods (Heuristic Evaluation) successfully determine the features and layout elements chosen in websites or mobile apps. Six Thinking Hats) is based on the project and the decision to be taken. Decision Matrix) or qualitative methods (i.e. That said, choosing between quantitative methods (i.e. Unlike the Six Thinking Hats, the Decision Matrix provides a quantitative method to decide based on rating ideas against selected criteria. For example, if you would like to buy a laptop and need to choose the right product based on criteria that reflect the required features that meet your needs and daily usage. The Decision Matrix (also known as the Grid Analysis and Pugh Matrix Analysis ) lets you achieve this target by providing a measurable method to select a specific choice between many based evaluation values. Making the right decision is the biggest challenge that designers, managers, and innovators face, especially when there can be more than one possible choice to select from and multiple factors that need to be evaluated to make the right decision.

Decision matrix